How is the Airshare hourly cost configured?

We can provide a snapshot of what the estimated combined monthly and hourly cost looks like by using our calculator, based on four simple factors.

Define the following to estimate your hourly cost: 

  • Which aircraft best suits your needs: the Phenom 300 which seats 8 passengers or the Challenger 350 which seats 9 passengers?
  • How often are round-trips made? (meaning same-day trips or overnight business travel, typically between one to three days)
  • What is the average flight time per day? The more hours traveled per day, the better the rate.
  • How often do you interchange between the Phenom 300 and the Challenger 350? We have the best interchange in the industry, making sure your trip is the most efficient.

Round-Trip flights 50
All one way All round-trip
Avg. flight time per day 3
0.5hr 4.5hrs
Exchange for Challenger 350 Exchange for Phenom 300 50
Always P300 Always C350 Always C350 Always P300
Did you know the Phenom 100 has the same cross section as the Phenom 300?
Estimated Combined Monthly & Hourly Cost*
Embraer Phenom 100 is perfect for shorter trips with fewer passengers. 4 Passengers • 1,100 mi range
Embraer Phenom 300 delivers excellent range and a top cruising speed. 8 Passengers • 1,986 mi range
The Bombardier Challenger 350 has the most spacious cabin in its class. 9 passengers • 3,682 mi range
The more you travel round-trip, the more you save!
The more you fly in a day, the better!
Save money with our unique interchange program. Use the Phenom 300 for shorter trips with fewer passengers. 8 Passengers • 1,800 mi range

Estimated rates shown for private jet travel do not include the acquisition or capital cost of the aircraft.

* All flights are operated by Executive Flight Services, LLC dba Airshare or by an air carrier affiliated with Airshare through common ownership, or by an approved FAA-licensed and DOT-registered vendor air carrier. By visiting this page, you agree to the collection of certain information by Executive Flight Services LLC. For more information about what data we collect and how it is used, please see our Privacy Policy.